Wednesday, April 7, 2010

In the beginning there was....

So, this will probably be a short post, but I just got back from hanging out with one of my best friends, who happens to be an artist. We talked very little about art, but I thought about it alot on the way home. I thought about our fascination in one form or another of art and creation. Some like to create.... art, music, sculpture, cars, computers, programs, and the list goes on.... Some enjoy and appreciate and admire those creations. We thrive on creativity. You say," I'm not a creative soul," well I have to differ with you there. Maybe you haven't really thought of yourself that way. Maybe you haven't found your creative ability. Maybe you have been ok with drafting on others creative juices. All of these are possible scenarios for all of us at one time or another.

Here's the deal:

Creativity gives you several things that are necessary for your life: makes you use your mind and imagination, keeps your eyes and heart open to new things, allows you to look at all situations in a variety of ways. These are all things that will help you get through the good days and the bad. Will it always make it easy? Nope. Not gonna happen. No magic bullet there. But it will let you see bad circumstances in different ways. It will give you personal satisfaction to be able to accomplish a challenge. It will open doors to new adventures. Musician? Artist? Photographer? Bloggist? :) Poet? Woodworker? Arts/Craftsy person? Inventor? Designer? There are so many things you can be creative with in your life!!!

Ever here the phrase "trying to find myself"? Force yourself to EXPRESS YOURSELF in creative ways and you may just understand what that means! Don't be afraid of what people think! Don't worry too much about how you appear and who you impress. Express yourself however you need to BE you. You'll find that life is more satisfying when you can actually take some pride and fulfillment out of doing something your own way and helping the world, as well as yourself, to know YOU.

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