Tuesday, May 18, 2010

All the same but totally unique...

Hey guys! I know that all 2 of you have been dying for a post and here it is!! I got married on April 30, so it's been kinda crazy.

Diversity- 1. the state or fact of being diverse; difference; unlikeness. 2. variety; multiformity. 3. a point of difference.

One of the modern plagues of humanity is ignorance. (Yes I know it's not defined here.) We have a tendency to dwell only where we are, and not realize there is anyone else or any other way. It's actually quite boring to live life this way. Routine, routine, routine. Same ole people, same ole places. Not wanting out of this cycle is a little depressing. Plus, we miss out on some really awesome experiences when we're afraid to leave that bubble that we inhabit so diligently. In this way, we stay ignorant. To other people, other cultures or sub cultures, other ideas. It's hard to really know what you believe, if you haven't talked to other people about what they believe, and shared with them what and why YOU believe WHAT you believe. It's easy to be what you are when there is nothing to weigh it against. But more than that, it's easier to understand why people live a certain way, or act a certain way, if you are open enough to talk to other folks and be in uncomfortable circumstances in order to separate you from the ignorant masses.

It's the old adage," How boring would life be if we all _______ alike," mentality. We are not alike. We differ. In color, in opinion, in collective social interaction, in beliefs. And, yes, we feel comfortable in our community, or in our bubble, but staying in that sterile environment for so long can lead to problems of its own. Ignorance for one. Knowledge is power, they say. And, while I know it's cliche, it's true. Knowledge leads to wisdom and wisdom eradicates ignorance. In other words, it makes you a stronger person to actively open yourself to other cultures, people, or ideas. It will help you confirm your own beliefs, understand others, and get rid of some ridiculous preconceived notions you may have grown up with.

We are unique. Individually and collectively. It's what makes life so awesome. To know that there is so much to see and understand, and everywhere and everyone you meet is unique. Even your neighbor. Maybe even your family members. Different races. Different people. Different Cultures. So my challenge for you is this: Step outside your own skin; pop the bubble you live in and breathe the air that others breathe. Kill the ignorance that kills us daily and remember that knowledge truly is power.

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