To find a Voice.
You know how you see somebody and immediately know they have their own style? Or flair? Maybe having nothing to do with their appearance or choice of clothes, but still they stand out to you? Or maybe hear someone speak, or read an author's prose, or hear a guitarist's tone, and know that there is something different- special- about that individual? That's the voice I'm talking about. The unique character that we have and the ability to connect with that in a way that makes a difference in someone else's life. I've heard people say," I just need to find myself," and think,"I see you! You're right here!!" But sometimes I think we get caught up in vernacular and miss the point. It's simply a way to say," I want to know how to make a difference," instead of just existing and "observing", if you will, and let those observations go without acting on them.
I just got a new amp. It's different and not what people expect from me (well everyone who knows me expects me to purchase amps all the time... it's what I do). But the reason for my purchase is the same each time- finding a "tone" that makes me sound like me. I've played a lot of amps. Cheap, expensive, new, old, tube, solid state, cute, ugly, black, white, yellow, etc, etc, etc... All trying to find this sound or tone that makes me sound like me. Each time I think I've got it, and each time, I find something that doesn't "do it for me." still on that mission. :)
As a singer, I love soul (as I'm sure you've determined already). I love the feelings and sounds and emotions and (see first post).... I find it hard, however, to write songs along those lines sometimes. It takes searching and trying and doing and failing. All of these are part of life, we all know that. Point is, if you don't try, or search, or fail, you'll never find that voice that is so crucial to your expression. It's a process.
As a Christian, I feel it is equally important to have this voice. There is a magazine called Relevant that I think has the idea on this... bringing God and Christ to people in a real way. Not by implanting the word God in every sentence just to let you know that they believe in God. I mean let's face it, would you be interested in a story that read like this:
In other news today, God, the world is falling apart. God
People are killing God other people left and right God and
are generally not getting along. God. God God God God God
God God............
It's a bit off-putting sometimes and seems like we're trying too hard to make people see God and Christ in our lives. They will know we are Christians by our love. I've heard it all my life. Now it is time to find the voice that puts that into practice. There are times to be explicit about the importance of knowing Christ; then there are times to let Christ speak without you pushing Him in front of you. Relevance and Voice: the characteristics we need as Christians.
In later posts, I am sure I will ramble about guitar gear and gigs, and singing, and all things music, because music is my passion. And since I've FINALLY gotten around to that word, I think I'll bring this all to the point. P A S S I O N is the thing we search for. The "voice" that we search for. I know a lady named Donna Black who owns a snowball stand in New Orleans (from here on known as the Great City). She makes GREAT snowballs!!! They are wonderful... makes a good living at it. There is no way you can enjoy that if you're not passionate about making great snowballs!! She makes a difference in the world. Is it something that will influence politicians to stop bickering and taking money and focus on corruption and death and the world falling apart? No. But it is a difference. The best we can hope in life is to make a difference. As a musician, my hope is to bring happiness and joy and encouragement to people. To touch people with my words and tones. And finding a voice to make that happen is my goal and ambition. So here is a challenge for you: Find your voice. Find the thing that you can make a difference with and actually make a difference. Be passionate.
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