First of all, I'd like to say welcome! Welcome, my R&D team!!! It is wonderful to have you aboard. Thank you for signing up and paying the necessary dues to be a part of this prestigious board. I know that we will all be well pleased with the outcome of these proceedings and, at the end of the day, have a deep sense of satisfaction as we plunge into the future in this new venture! So thank you, thank you, thank you!
Confused yet?
What's in a name? Mothers, fathers, when you contemplate names for your children, do you consider options? Do you try your best to give your child a name that they will need to live up to in hopes that they can actually live up to? My brother, for example, Roubert, had big shoes to fill. My grandpa, even though I never had the pleasure of knowing him personally, was a great, well-respected man. The pillar of the community kind of a fella. I am proud of that. My parents were proud of that. And gave my brother a name he could "grow into." I think that makes sense. Start your child in a direction. Name him or her appropriately.
What about cars? Chevy AVALANCHE! Does that say something about the vehicle? Does it sound like a sports car? Hmmmm.... that would be kinda odd. Now Chevy CORVETTE! THERE's your sports car name. (Even though I don't know if anybody knows what corvette means) Lincoln Navigator, Chevy Trailblazer, Pontiac Firebird, Ford Taurus (really taurus? what is that?!), Ford Mustang (much better Henry). All these names leave us with a certain idea about what this vehicle is-with the exception of taurus. One of the best and newer names that accomplishes this: Chevy VOLT. It's an electric car.... appropriately named I think. Point is, car companies spend lots of time and effort to appropriately name their vehicles. All part of their masterfull scheme to sell these vehicles to folks who can't wait to own a vehicle named for a natural disaster.... avalanche. :)
Children, music genres, vehicles, all have this in common, which brings me to my dilema and the reason that I assembled this R&D brainstorming meeting- GUITARS. Guitars also should be aptly named.
For some time I have been playing guitars and have built a couple. One of my goals in life is to be able to build and sell guitars. I have always been mechanically and musically inclinde, so it seems like a natural progression to me. So, I find myself at the creative roadblock of naming a guitar company. Now sure, I could be boring and name it "Jarrett Bailey Guitars" or "JLB" or "JB" or "Bailey", but that's just not me. No, I need something that fits my personality and something that can convey that in my instruments. So, R&D team, let's brainstorm ideas for names.
Now, as far as criteria, I have only a couple of ideas. One of the names that I really like that I came up with was SoulTree. Now the reason for soul is fairly obvious, since I tend to use it regularly in this blog, but, as for tree, the rationale is obvious and symbolic. Obviously, guitars are made of wood.... wood comes from trees... you see. Symbolically, trees are a sign of growth, prosperity, and I would like to convey that. They are also firmly rooted and therefore convey a certain amout of confidence. I like the ideas "soul" and "roots". Kind of an earthy feel with that emotion that I love so much. One other idea I had was based on a song that was popular in Christian music several years ago called boogiroot. I just think that's a cool name. :) So I thought maybe a variation like "bugirut" or "bugi-rut".
So here's where you come in. Brainstorm and help me decide on a name. Either give fresh ideas or enforce the ones I've already consider. I appreciate your help!
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